August 29, 2020
San Diego, CA -- August 24, 2020 -- DPx Gear has focused on hard use knives for professionals for a decade. The most famous platform being the tried and true DPx Gear Hostile Environment Field Tool or H•E•S•T. For a decade, users like those in the military, first responders and outdoorsmen have put the rugged three inch folder to use in some of the world’s most dangerous places. Not surprising since the designer of the multi use blade, Robert Young Pelton has made a career of surviving those conditions. To celebrate the long run of this classic folder, Pelton has created the best version yet. The obsessively perfected, hand tuned version of the HEST/F folder is called the DPx HEST/F Leggaro. It is the lightest and most elegant version and fastest opening of the classic HEST/F folding knives.
What makes the Leggaro special? The solid Titanium alloy frame has been dramatically sculpted in three dimensions, lightened and tuned for balance, with bolsters added. The beautiful diamond patterned grip is finished with a unique triple step finishing process of sandblasting, PVD coating and anodization with hand buffing applied to create a distinctive look of an antique patina. The blade is fashioned from Bohler Clean steel M390 - the hard wearing martensitic formula that delivers amazing edge retention.
Not forgotten are the multi use features like tungsten carbide glass breaker, 1.4 inch hex driver, wire strippers in three sizes and a new reversible clip.
Speed of opening involves Pelton’s patented blade notch rapid opening method, thumb studs for classic opening, and for the first time, the HEST folder is a flipper that rides on a custom IKBS bearing system. Also for the first time, the HEST folder features a 440C stainless steel lockbar insert.
Pelton is proud of the latest edition and says of the new models, “Leggaro means light in Italian. High performance car makers went to Italy to fine tune their high performance cars, but we were already there. Multiple manufacturing quality award winner manufacturer Lionsteel in Maniago, Italy has been our partner from the beginning. Our famous hard use folder engineered, tweaked, tuned and perfected into an ultra light, ultra strong, all Titanium alloy flipper.”
The DPx HEST/F Leggaro is now available in three finishes; Cerulean Blue, Etruscan Bronze, and Platinum Grey. All with beautifully patterned tuned 3D Titanium 3D scales.
For more information and specs, visit the Leggaro page.
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August 23, 2024
July 22, 2024 5 Comments
Learn about the legendary man, Billy Waugh and see the knife he inspired: The RYP and Bill Harsey Designed, Billy Waugh DEMO Folder.
RYP first met Billy when he was writing his book Licensed to Kill, Hired Guns in The War on Terror. Driving his cop Harley across the country during the winter, Billy graciously took out time from his wedding day to meet at the local Waffle House.
The two men - one an author, and one an operator, both veterans of numerous hot spots often at the same time - hit it off immediately. They have been fast friends ever since.
July 18, 2024